Sunday, December 23, 2007

[ Happy holidays ]

ENGLISH [ bajá un poco para la versión en Español ]
A friend sent me a link a few weeks ago that I hadn't had the chance to share with you and I think it is very important to do it in the eve of this very important holiday for Christians which is celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ because we sometimes just say "Merry Christmas" without even knowing if the person we are saying that to is a Christian or if Christmas has a meaning to him/her or not, and so we should learn to tolerate and respect the beliefs of everybody to the point where it's possible and say "happy holidays" in case you're not sure :P.

I will share an extract from the site I got the link to, post the link to an image and a smaller version of it and will also translate it to Spanish and make this post both in English and Spanish. For those of us who believe in Christ please let's remind ourselves what this celebration really is about and let's not get sad and melancholic on this date, you don't like it when your someone around you is sad on your birthday so why would He? ^_^

here's the link:
here's the extract:
The famous metaphor of the elephant being touched by blind men who want to define it is normally attributed to Hinduism, but is vindicated also by Jainism and by Buddhism. The blind men try to define the elephant with their best will, but they can't make themselves an exact idea of it. And it is useless for them to argue, because they are all right in a way. What they must do is share, to complete each other. An ideal metaphor for the inter-religious dialogue.

Our illustrator -in this case Fernando Bernabé- has preferred to paint a female elephant, for a matter of gender perspective, and makes us observe that the official wise men have historically been men...
here's the image:
huge - small
Happy holidays everyone !

ESPAÑOL [ scroll up a bit for the English version ]
Un amigo me envió un link hace un par de semanas que no había tenido la oportunidad de compartir con ustedes y creo que es muy importante hacerlo en la víspera de esta importante fiesta para los Cristianos que es celebrar el nacimiento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo porque a veces nosotros sólamente decimos "Feliz Navidad" sin si quiera saber si la persona a la que se lo decimos es Cristiano o si la Navidad tiene o no un signficado para él o ella, así que deberíamos aprender a tolerar y respetar las creencias de todos hasta el punto en el que sea posible y decir "felices fiestas" si no se está seguro :P.

Compartiré un extracto del sitio del que me mandaron el link, el link de una imagen y su versión más pequeña y también lo voy a traducir al Inglés para postear tanto en Español como en Inglés. Para aquellos de nosotros que creemos en Cristo por favor recordémonos a nosotros mismos el verdadero significado de esta celebración y no no spongamos tristes o melancólicos en esta fecha, a ustedes no les gusta cuando alguien a su alrededor está triste en su cumlpeaños así que por qué habría de gustarle a Él? ^_^

acá está el link:
acá está el extracto:

La famosa metáfora del elefante palpado por los ciegos que quieren definirlo es atribuida normalmente al Hinduismo, pero es reivindicada también por el Jainismo y por el Budismo. Los ciegos definen al elefante con su mejor buena voluntad, pero no pueden hacerse una idea cabal de él. Y es inútil que discutan, porque todos tienen su razón. Lo que deben hacer es compartir, para complementarse. Metáfora ideal para el diálogo inter-religioso.

Nuestro dibujante -en este caso Fernando Bernabé- ha preferido pintar una elefanta, por cuestión de perspectiva de género, y nos hace observar que los sabios oficiales han sido históricamente varones...
acá está la imagen:
enorme - pequeña
Felices fiestas a todos!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

[ Romanticism Forums ]

The grand opening day is here! the Romanticism Forums are officially opened this day! so go go smear the poison ivy XD. If you want to spread the word around you can do so by copying one of our OFFICIAL banners, made by a friend of mine:

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

[ Jefferson Airplane ][ White Rabbit ]

This song has been haunting me since I listened to part of it on one episode of the Simpsons, the vocalization of the singer is amazing and the rhythm is alright, also the singer must have been really good cause think of the period of time in which this was made... to have such great vocals even when you're so high on all kinds of weird stuff is something huge for me hahah

There are also some other videos that are alright, mixing scenes from Alice In Wonderland: