Wednesday, February 28, 2007

[ Lightbox JS v2.0 ][ by Lokesh Dhakar ]

I watched this nice CSS/JavaScript combination in a couple of sites a few months ago and I decided to try it, I love it! it's really well done, so far the only problem I've had is that sometimes the scripts won't load since they're hosted in another site different than Blogger and I don't know :S it doesn't work sometimes.

Anyhow, the only feature I haven't tried yet is the one for image sets, but I will do so right now! :P, oh before I forget, I don't take credit for this, click here for the developer's project site. Well here's the set, it's a set of 4 Evangelion images taken from photobucket so...let's see:

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

[ Happy Birthday Fabiola!! ]

Cumlpeaños XDXDXD hahaha sorry for the typo

Monday, February 26, 2007

[ L+S Tree ]

Well this is a little drawing I made for my girlfriend ^_^ it represents a lot of things to me about us and I think it is not that bad :P, she likes it, so it must be good ;). I love you láskinko.

[ CEL SV ][ Firefox Search Plugin ]

Well I don't know how many times this has happened to you but I often need to send an SMS to a friend from one of El Salvador's mobile phone companies sites and usually I don't know which company my friend is subscribed to. Well I added this Firefox search plugin to the Mycroft Project and now I can search to which company is associated a certain mobile phone number using SIGET's search from within my Firefox! and I don't have to visit that ugly SIGET site XD.

Unfortunatelly the plugin's icon sucks XD, I made the icon really quickly and I didn't notice that I had to change something when I submitted the plugin in order for it to be used, so it uses the default Mycroft icon :(.

I hope you find it useful and install it, please judge it if you do :P ^_^.
You can install it here

Saturday, February 24, 2007

[ Apropiación Ética de la Muerte ][ Ethical Appropriation of Death ]

I loved this article about death that I read in one of my lessons last semester [ the last one of my career BTW :D ], unfortunately [ for some of you :P ] it is written in Spanish, I don't know if I will ever try to translate it because I don't think that my English is THAT good yet, but believe me that someday I would like to. If you know a place where I can find it in English, please let me know.

By now I uploaded a scanned version of it to this sharing files service and the next link will take you to a page from which you'll be able to download the PDF file:

Edited: It was written by Marciano Vidal and is part of a tribute to Javier Gafo Fernández called "Bioética un diálogo plural" [ Bioethics - a plural dialog ].

Edited: I wish so much that I could comment on this great article but I feel that it has to be translated to English first or else my comments would be too vague, maybe I'll have to comment on it in Spanish if this strong impulse persists.

Edited: I decided to make a widget with the paper in two different file formats, the first one is in PDF and the second one is a DOC [ Edited: I had to use the widget to upload other files so scroll down and you'll find them ]:

If you have problems using the widget you can always click these links for the files:

Friday, February 16, 2007

[ Lacrimosa - Eine Nacht In Ewigkeit ][ English Translation ]

Well I haven't found a translation of this song to English yet and since my cute goth girl who speaks like 2,000 languages [ XD ok only like 6 ] has already translated it for me I thought I might share it with people that are also searching for it.

Nicht nur ein Wort
Erhellt die Nacht
Unjsere Herzen strahlen
In tiefster Sehnsucht
Und unsere Seelen
Fallen diesem Glanz
Abgeschieden blende mich
Verführe mich - durchflute mich
Du strömend Licht
Erhellst Du mich ?

Aus der Stille - aus dem Nichts
Eingetaucht in Dich
Erhalte mich in dieser Nacht ...

Hat auch der Knebel der Vernunft
Mich nicht bewahrt
Verschlungen trinken nun
Verschmolzen wir zu bluten
Opfer sind wir Täter und
Erstürmen unserer Nähe Sucht
Durch Fleisch und Raum
Durch Zeit und Lust
Durch Schweiss und Sucht
Durch mich in dich

Verführe mich - durchflute mich
Durchströme mich
Erhelle mich !

Aus der Stille - aus dem Nichts
Eingetaucht in dich
Erhalte mich in dieser Nacht ...

Und wenn ich Dich berühre
Deinen Körper bis in jede Zelle spüre
Und wenn ich Dich umgarne
Deine Blösse umd die
Meine feucht ich fühle
Und wenn wir uns verlieren
Nur gemeinsam und für immer diese
Nacht einander schenken
Und wenn die Schatten fallen
Zwischen Deine Lippen ich den letzten
Kuss ganz tief versenke

Eine Nacht in Ewigkeit
So sind für immer wir vereint
Und Schönheit wiegt uns
Schliesslich in den Schlaf ...

Eine Nacht In Ewigkeit

Not only a word
Lightens the night
Our hearts shine
In deepest longing
And our souls
Fall to this glitter
Separated blind me
Seduce me - overflow me
You, streaming light
Will you lighten me?

From the silence - from the nothing
Immersed in you
Keep me in this night...

If also the ?? has reason
It doesn't protect me ??
Intertwined we drink now
Melted to bleed
Victims we are, malefactors and
We conquer the longing of our closeness
Through flesh and room
Through time and delight
Through sweat and longing
Through me in you

Seduce me - overflow me
Stream through me
Lighten me!

From the silence - from the nothing
Immersed in you
Keep me in this night...

And when I touch you
I feel each cell of your body
And when I entangle you
Your nudity and mine
I feel moistly
And when we get lost
Only together and for ever
We give this night to each other
And when the shades fall
Between your lips I dip
Entirely deep the last kiss

A night in eternity
So we are for ever united
And beauty dandles us
Finally into the sleep...

A Night In Eternity

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

[ M. C. Escher ]

"It is impossible to understand humanity without understanding that mathematics and poetry have the same origins"[*]
I just watched a documentary about M. C. Escher, I don't know how many of you know who he is but honestly this was the first time I got to hear about him or his art [ or at least that's what I thought ]. I got hooked on the documentary because the narrator was reading a very artistic description, written by Escher, of the way he felt when he first listened to a composition by Bach in a church [ writing that I have been trying to find on the Internet by almost 40 minutes now without success and I will have to disappointedly omit -_- ]. Escher used to write a lot, actually everything that happened to him during the day he would write it on a small calendar or agenda and they were reading it during the whole documentary, thing that was very helpful to understand his somewhat pessimistic point of view about humans, life, chaos, and some other ideas.

One of Escher's ideas that I could relate to a lot was the fact that he tried to represent Bach's music with his art, he had made a booklet with different signs that you were supposed to flip with your thumb [ a flip book if you know what I mean ] and play a specific Bach composition along with doing that, probably the first music video ever made :P.

Since he was a Lithographer, he thought that the kind of art that uses the less materials is the most beautiful one because its capable of expressing the same ideas than a very complicated piece of art without being so pompous or getting lost in the composition. You must not confuse him with a minimalist artist cause, as you can see in the next images, his structures were very complex because he was very interested in geometrical figures and the regular division of the plane :

Metamorph 8
Pessimist and Optimist
Heaven and Hell
Day and Night
Relativity <- you must have seen this one, that's why I said i thought I hadn't seen his art

I dedicate this last one [ it's the first time I dedicate a piece of art - I think - and more specifically a lithography ] to my beloved girlfriend, I hope we will be bonded like those two people for forever <3 miluju tě hrozně moc.

Escher Online Gallery.
[*] = not an exact quotation, I heard it on the documentary and couldn't find it on the net -_-
"What I give form to in daylight is only one per cent of what I have seen in darkness."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

[ Happy February 13th ]

My beautiful girlfriend sent this image to me because today is February 13th ^_^, the day of Love and Friendship, well just love actually, and well only OUR love actually...^_^ miluju tě, lásko <3

Blogged with Flock

Monday, February 12, 2007

[ Magica ][ Bittersweet Nightshade ]

Great band from Romania, I've only listened to a couple of songs by them but they're excellent.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

[ Happy Birthday Ali!! ]

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[ Just Lyrics ]

Je rumine mes idées noires
Quand tu pars
Moi j'suis au placard
Et je m'invente des histoires
Dans mon isoloir
Où tu viens jamais me voir
Tu t'entêtes à me faire
tantôt du mal, tantôt du bien
Selon tes humeurs
Tu t'entêtes à déchirer mon coeur

Just lyrics by spikette2108

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, February 10, 2007

[ Flock ][ Web Browser ]

Well, I don't remember how I got to know about the existence of Flock but I've been thinking of it since I discovered it and I don't even know why either XD, maybe it's this adjective they use to describe it: "social web browser". Don't be scared about the "social" part, you neo-liberal capitalist pig XD haha, it is not socialist [ that would be funny though XD ], the social adjective refers to the ability to easily interact with social networking sites [ part of the Web 2.0 services ] such as My$pace, Flickr,, etc.

I must add that Flock wouldn't have caught my attention so much if this "social web browser" hadn't been based on my favorite web browser: Mozilla Firefox, I consider Firefox to be the best web browser ever for so many reasons, I've tried Internet Explorer (duh), Netscape, Opera and Firefox and the last one is faster [ to load ], more reliable, efficient and more secure just to mention a few things. I decided to try Flocker after reading about its features such as drag and drop sharing and live bookmarking pictures on Photobucket and Flickr, posting from any website to your blog [ if supported ], an improved way of managing your RSS feeds, online publishing of your bookmarks, and receive search results [ from your history, bookmarks, Yahoo! and Google ] as you start typing in the search box [ all these stuff added to Firefox's features ].

So I just downloaded it and I must say it is heavier than I thought, 9.02MB compared to Firefox's 5.69MB.

I'll give it a try this week and keep you informed :P, we'll see if they are worthy of putting this button on this blog's sidebar:
I Flock